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2015 Wildlife Competitions Around The world


Name Url Details
World Photography Organization http://worldphoto.org/competitions/sony-world-photography-awards-2015-open-competition The 2015 Sony World Photography Awards, organized by the World Photography Organization, are now open for entries. Professional, amateur, youth and student photographers from across the world can enter their best work for free at www.worldphoto.org.
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust http://www.ywt.org.uk/photo-competition-2015 Yorkshire Wildlife Trust would like to invite you to share some of your images taken in the county of wildlife.
Hampshire & Isle Of Wight Wildlife Trust http://www.hiwwt.org.uk/photocomp Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust launches this year’s local wildlife photography competition
Worcestershire Wildlife Trust http://www.worcswildlifetrust.co.uk/photography-competition We wanted to see beauty of Worcestershire’s wildlife and wildlife-friendly countryside through photography.  Check for wildlife in your garden or head out into our beautiful countryside and start snapping.
Warwickshire Wildlife Trust http://www.warwickshirewildlifetrust.org.uk/competitions From now until Monday 18th May 2015 we’re running a photo competition! We’re creating a calendar for 2016, and we’re looking for some of the most beautiful seasonal sights in Warwickshire.
Northumberland, Durham And Tees Valley Wildlife Trusts http://www.durhamwt.com/ne-wildlife-photo-comp-2015/ Following the success of the last two North East Wildlife Photography Competitions, Durham Wildlife Trust, alongside Northumberland and Tees Valley, have again joined forces with the Natural History Society of Northumbria (NHSN), the Great North Museum: Hancock and Alan Hewitt Photography to launch the 2015 competition.
Norfolk Wildlife Trust https://www.norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk/gallery/photo-competition Do you enjoy getting closer to nature, and love taking your camera with you? We are launching a special competition to find the best images that showcase Norfolk’s wildlife and wild places, which will be published in our 2016 Norfolk Wildlife Trust calendar.
Myyellowstonepark.Com http://www.yellowstonepark.com/contests/ The contest opens Jan 15, 2015 and runs through August 31, 2015. We’re looking for images that best reflect your experiences in our National Parks
Outdoor Alabama http://www.outdooralabama.com/outdoor-alabama-announces-its-2015-photo-contest Outdoor Alabama magazine is pleased to announce its 2015 Photo Contest, with winning entries to be published in the February 2015 issue.
Outdoor Canada Magazine http://www.photocompete.com/2014/06/08/2014-outdoor-canada-photo-contest/ Send us your best outdoor photos and you could have your picture published in Outdoor Canada magazine! Plus, you could win a $1,000 Bass Pro Shops gift card or one of twelve awesome prize packages from Pure Fishing, Zeiss, Broil King, and ThermaCELL!
Natural History Museum http://www.nhm.ac.uk/visit-us/wpy/competition/index.html Put nature in the frame and take part in the world’s most prestigious nature photography event. Enter the competition from 5 January 2015 – 27 February 2015. It’s open to professional, amateur and young photographers.
Siena International http://www.sipacontest.com/Home/ The Cultural Association Art Photo Travel, sponsored by the City of Siena and the University of Siena, has launched the International Photo Contest “Siena International Photography Awards”, International Photography Prize, where photographers around the world, amateurs and professionals will be able to participate.
Fox Valley Wildlife Center http://www.foxvalleywildlife.org/index.php/help-us-help-wildlife/events/204-photo-contest-rules-for-2015 The contest is open to amateur photographers only (anyone who does not make more than 25% of their yearly income from taking and/or selling photographs).
The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation http://www.graphiccompetitions.com/multiple-disciplines/wildlife-artist-of-the-year-competition-2015 The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation welcomes entries from around the world in all artistic media for the Wildlife Artist of the Year Competition.
Natur&Foto http://www.nnpc.no/index.php?lang=en Natur&Foto invites you to enter the Nordic Nature Photo Contest 2015 (NNPC). Natur&Foto Magazine invites to the third photo competition. With its fantastic nature, unique light, magnificent wildlife and plant life, Nordic nature is in a class of its own and we want to promote this via the Nordic Nature Photo Contest, which is international and open to everyone.
Mississippi Wildlife Federation http://mswildlife.org/events/outdoor-photography-contest/ Youth ages 10-16 and adults are invited to submit photographs for entry no later than June 1, 2015.
DNREC, Division Of Fish & Wildlife, http://capegazette.villagesoup.com/p/fish-and-wildlife-photo-contest-open-through-jan-31/1268917 Entries are still being accepted for the Division of Fish and Wildlife’s 2014 Delaware Hunting Photo Contest through Jan. 31, 2015.
Wildlife In Focus http://www.wildlifeinfocus.org/page1.aspx#.VI6WCyyqCeE For details about the photography contest visit the website
Pelican Island Preservation Society http://www.eventbrite.com/e/pelican-island-wildlife-festival-photography-contest-2015-tickets-14906822708 This photography contest provides an opportunity for photographers to share their best work of Florida nature with the visitors to this popular festival.
The British Wildlife Photography Awards http://www.bwpawards.org/ The next BWPA competition will open in February 2015.
South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority http://www.rwater.com/products-and-services/recreation/recreation-photo-contest/ Each year we conduct a photo contest for our recreation permit holders. Every year, we look for the best photographs taken at RWA recreation areas by you, our permit holders.
Department Of Natural Resources http://dnr.maryland.gov/photocontest/ DNR’s 12th annual photo contest runs now through August 31, 201
California Academy Of Sciences. http://bigpicturecompetition.org/2015-competition/ BigPicture encourages photographers from around the world to contribute their work to this competition that will both celebrate and illustrate the rich diversity of life on Earth and inspire action to protect and conserve it through the power of imagery. The Competition is presented by the California Academy of Sciences.
“Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends Of The Refuge http://www.dingdarlingsociety.org/photo-contests For details about the photography contest visit the website
Asian Geographic Magazines Pte Ltd http://www.asiangeo.com/index.php?awb-submission Asian Geographic Images of Asia Photography Competition (formerly Asia Without Borders) is back again! We are open with five different categories: People, Wildlife, Architecture/Landscape, Environmental and Youth! Please read carefully to avoid jeopardizing your chances of winning.
The Pennsylvania Game Commission http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt?open=514&objID=1595079&mode=2 The Pennsylvania Game Commission invites Pennsylvania Youth in Middle School, grades 6 through 8 and High School, grades 9 through 12, to participate in the second annual Youth Wildlife Art Contest.
Warren County Conservation http://www.warrenccb.org/photocontest/ Do you like taking photos or exploring the outdoors? Then start clicking! Now through the end of Spring 2015 you can enter your favorite pictures you take in our Warren County Parks into our photography contest.
Audubon Nature Center, Jamestown Audubon Society http://www.jasphotocontest.com/2015-contest-rules.html The contest is open to photographers from around the world ages 8 and over.
Northwoods Wildlife Center http://www.northwoodswildlifecenter.org/photo-contest-information.html For details about the photography contest visit the website
The Texas 4-H Photography Contest http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/statephotography/ For details about the photography contest visit the website
Dragoman http://www.dragoman.com/photo-competition Scenery, culture, wildlife, and of course our trucks – we are looking for any images that capture our amazing world and the people in it. So get snapping and enter today!
International Rhino Keeper Association http://safari-magazine.com/protect-the-wildlife/2015-rhino-conservation-photo-contest/ The International Rhino Keepers Association is sponsoring a rhino photography contest. 12 winners of the contest will be featured in the 2015 Rhino Conservation Calendar.
Greek Photographic Circuit http://greekcircuit.com/rules For details about the photography contest visit the website
Forest Europe http://www.showoffyourforest.com/info FOREST EUROPE is pleased to invite you to the second edition of the Show Off Your Forest Photography Contest.
The Scottish Wildlife Trust http://hebridestoday.com/2014/11/wildlife-photography-competition-marks-the-50th-anniversary-of-the-founding-of-the-scottish-wildlife-trust/ This year the Scottish Wildlife Trust celebrates its 50th birthday. To mark the occasion the North of Scotland members group has launched a wildlife photography competition. The competition is open to all amateur photographers, with a separate category for school students.
Delaware Beach Life http://www.delawarebeachlife.com/photography/photography-contest.html Delaware Beach Life magazine invites you to enter its 9th annual Photography Contest for amateur photographers. Photographs must capture life in coastal Delaware.
Buckhorn And Roche-A-Cri http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/buckhorn/photocontest.html Buckhorn and Roche-A-Cri state parks hold an annual photography contest every year.
The Wetlands & Wildlife National Scenic Byway http://www.visitgreatbend.com/FocusontheBywayContest/ For details about the photography contest visit the website
Penitentiary Glen Nature Center http://www.lakemetroparks.com/events/amateur-photography-contest.shtml For details about the photography contest visit the website
Isv http://www.isvserver.com/photocontest/ Let the images tell the stories of life-changing experiences of ISV volunteers during the May 2014 to February 2015 ISV programs.
