Elephant Feeding Camp Mudumalai | Deep Jungle Home
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Molapalli Village, Mudumalai Panchayath, Off Thorapalli Gudalur 643211

250 Km from Bangalore ...

1 Room, 1 Adult, 0 Child, 1 Night
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Elephant Feeding Camp

Located close to the Mudumalai safari junction, the elephant feeding camp will be enjoyed by both adults and children it costs just Rs. 50 entrance fee to visit the elephant camp at Mudumalai.

Elephant Feeding Camp

You will meet orphaned elephants maintained and trained by the Tamilnadu forest department to become kumki elephants. These elephants are used to control, chase, rescue or dislocate wild elephants that enter human habitation or villages close to Mudumalai. There are about 7 to 9 elephants. All elephants are given a name. Some of them are Giri, Krishna, Srinivas and Bomman.

The tamed elephants

The Camp is open mornings and evenings only. Timings are mentioned below. The tamed elephants are called kumkis. They are fed and looked after by the experienced village mahouts at the camp. You get to see how the elephant feed is prepared using rice ragi, jaggery and other ingredients. In addition to these rice cakes they are fed sugar cane and coconuts as well.

The attraction of the elephant camp is the playful little baby elephant which is sure to fascinate you with its naughty acts.

The attraction of the elephant camp is the playful little baby elephant which is sure to fascinate you with its naughty acts.

The discipline of the camp elephants are mind blowing

The discipline of the camp elephants are mind blowing and amazing to look at. There are lot of birds, wild boars and deer around the campus. It is surely a must visit place

Elephant Camp – Rs. 15.00 per person

Elephant Camp Timings
8.30 AM To 9.00 AM
5.30 PM To 6.00 PM

Tickets are given half hour before. Make sure to go exactly in in time as the baby elephant is fed first. If you go late you might miss out the baby elephant fun.

Around the camp flows the Moyar River where you can sight elephants taking bath.

Wildlife Museum Mudumalai

Wildlife museum is located just 100 meters from the elephant feeding camp. It displays preserved animals that lived in the past. Dead animals are preserved, stuffed and made models that are displayed for public viewing. Some of the preserved models include hyenas, Black Panther, bears and bear cubs etc.

You also get to know more about the history, flora and fauna of the Mudumalai national park. Don’t miss visiting this wildlife museum.

You also get to know more about the history, flora and fauna of the Mudumalai national park. Don’t miss visiting this wildlife museum.