Resorts in Bandipur | Deep Jungle Home
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Molapalli Village, Mudumalai Panchayath, Off Thorapalli Gudalur 643211

250 Km from Bangalore ...

Resorts in Bandipur

It is that time of the year when you need a break from monotonous life and feel like escaping into the woods or driving long on endless roads until without any intentions to return into the materialistic world. Unlike a few years ago when adults would go through such a frustrating time, these days even children prefer to going on a holiday to get off their stressful, competitive childhood. If you have nothing planned yet, then I recommend you visit our very own Bandipur National park this time.
Bandipur National park is predominantly a tiger reserve park and is undertaken by the Government of India. It is known for its rich bio diversities and is home for many unique plant and animal species of the world. Keeping the forest aspect aside, it has developed to be a tourist attraction for people around the world. It is one of the “must visit” destinations for people of all ages and interests.
Considering the importance of preserving bio diversities along with the revenue generated by the tourism sector, the Government has taken enough care to provide all facilities to tourist visiting this place. Forest resorts, villas, home stays, luxury hotels, medication centers, ultra modern facilities like internet, uninterrupted power supplies etc are made easily available here. One can choose from a wide variety of options depending upon their budget, duration of stay and purpose. Check the website before you book your accommodation and I bet you will find it difficult to pick one.
