If you are serious about clicking wild animals! | Deep Jungle Home
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If you are serious about clicking wild animals!

READ THIS: If you are serious about clicking wild animals!

Photography is an art and wild life photography is a wild art. It’s beautiful to see amazing moments of wild life being captured in the lens, it brings a smile on the face, and sometimes it even gives goose bumps. Think about it, when we are clicking a human being, we can command and tell them to pose, move a little right, move a little left, bend a little or stand straight to get the right picture. However, in case of creatures like animals, birds, fishes, you can’t ask them to pose for you. You really need stalking skills to capture them in the lens, such is wild life photography.
  The key to perfection: How to capture the wild
Let’s have a look on various ways, skills which can help you to walk towards the path of perfection of wild life photography. Rather let me simplify it; let’s talk about some tips for wild life photography.
Following are the essential tips for the wild to be captured in d finest way:
1)      Be Patient:  Don’t run after the subject, let them come to you. Once you have learned the art of patience and are quiet, you are almost there. The food for your wild life photography is patience and understanding your subject else you won’t get the best of the wild life photography. Key to good wild life photography is patience.
2)      Right Camera and lenses: You need the right camera, the right lenses to help you. In these cases telephoto lenses are a great friend to you and your camera. If have a good SLR camera, telephoto lenses, you are halfway through towards becoming a commendable wild life photographer.
3)      Understand the behavior and Habits: You need to learn and understand the behavior of the animal or the birds you want to capture and make a part of your wild life photography. Understanding the behavior, the habits of the wild life creature you are planning to click is equally important.
4)      Take lots and lots of shots: Another important thing for great wild life photography if to take lots and lots of shots. You never know what would you get in these shots and you’d be amazed to see what you get in one r more of these shots you capture.
5)      Clean it up:  How can we forget this, always remember to keep the lenses, the outside of the camera clean.
6)      Love the subject: The love for your subject should me more than the love for your clothes. Only then you would get the best shot ,an essential for wild life photography
7)      Shutter speed: Choose the right shutter speed as per your subject. If it is a stopping movement, a fast shutter speed would do wonders.
8)      Background: Ensure the focus is on the subject and the background is set in the right way. Blur it up if it is too loud for your subject.
Enjoy Clicking!!
