Rejuvenation Camp For Your Office Staff | Deep Jungle Home
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Molapalli Village, Mudumalai Panchayath, Off Thorapalli Gudalur 643211

250 Km from Bangalore ...

Rejuvenation Camp For Your Office Staff

This is the perfect retreat for company personnel.
A unique opportunity to part from executive desks, work-stations, manufacturing shop- floors, board rooms or marketing offices and arenas.
Infuse new freshness into your colleagues and team-mates with a weekend getaway or a relaxing excursion or picnic to the wilderness.
Bring them to the green founts of rejuvenating flora and fauna, of life giving and sustaining earth (valleys, hills and woods); water (brooks, rills, rivulets and river); atmosphere (immaculate and ozone rich); sunlight: warming and energizing.
Up to 62 (maximum) of your people can stay with us at one time ( this figure includes extra beds in the rooms).
Living Areas consist of;

  1. A rural type mud Cottage
  2. Four Swiss Cottage tents
  3. Six Camping Tents, and
  4. Five Bamboo Huts.

Our lodging and dining rates are modest.
Bathing and toilet facilities are of two varieties ; exclusively private and common (separate for males and females).
There are multifarious pursuits to engage your staff in;

  1. Forest Safaris, wherein you can spot and view a mixture of wild denizens;
  2. Early morning guided Nature Walks and Treks;
  3. Birding and bird-watching activities for those so inclined;
  4. Kayaking (open boat rowing ) for the venturesome;
  5. Bamboo Rafting for beginners and small groups;
  6. Campfire get-togethers after dusk.

Confirm your reservations with us well in advance.
See our Menu on-line and intimate us regarding choices of alternate food items.
You may use our extensive compound for open-air meetings. Optionally, you may use our dining-hall for office GROUP DYNAMICS sessions or other confabulations.
