7 big reasons to enjoy holidays biannually | Deep Jungle Home
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7 big reasons to enjoy holidays biannually

Today’s corporate world proposes a two way approach to holidays. The hectic schedule admits the reason to take holidays whereas the cut throat competition supports the continuous flow of work without any halt. In this dilemma, an employee gets confused to go either way but vacations can make people more effective and efficient at the same time.
Seven reasons supporting the course of biannual holidays are as follows:
Reason #1 Holidays lead to increased creativity
A break from continuous work would make a way to self discovery and help the person in rejuvenating his thoughts resulting in creativity. Many surveys revealed that holidays can make good psychological changes in one’s mind to refresh him from his routine track.

Reason #2 Holidays prevents burnout
Holidays by the way of promoting creativity will help in preventing burnout at workplace. Employees who takes holidays at a constant rate are equipped with new ideas in there minds and are less prone to burnout at work in comparison to the employees who are overworked.

Reason #3 Holidays are the key to good health
Taking an off from continuous work would help in maintaining a healthy body and a healthy mind thus leading to lower stress levels. In order to have sound mind and sound body one should take sufficient leap from work to regain energy and enthusiasm. Doctors recommend nap from busy work to maintain psychological and physiological balance of mind and body.
Reason #4 Holidays create an overall well being
A holiday is responsible for an overall well being of a person by providing him satisfaction which lacks in there routine work life. A good amount of sleep and a quality personal time inculcates the feeling of immense pleasure and satisfaction among employees.
Reason #5 Holidays are responsible for long and satisfying relationships
The couples who spend time and enjoy life together are found to be engaged in long term relationships in comparison to those who spend less time with each other. Holidays provide enough quality time to the couples to help them forget their stress and engage themselves in happy moments.
Reason #6 Holidays boost job performance
Various surveys conducted on holidays reveals that the person who takes frequent vacations are more productive as compared to the one’s who do not takes frequent vacations. Holidays leads to improved quality life which accompanies a good quality of work life as well.
Reason #7 Holidays cures stress
One of the benefits of holidays is the plenty of leisure time provided which act as a stress buster. Holidays have a long lasting effect which helps in stress relief. Holidays help in making a person an efficient problem solver and a good decision maker at the same time by tackling the stress level.
Hereby we come to the conclusion that taking a sufficient time off from work would result in a healthy, refreshed, creative and an efficient person equipped with a better mindset full of enthusiasm and creativity. Holidays are a gift to you to continue a life full of happiness and inhibit a better psychological and physical status to your mind and body.

Enjoy your holidays at Deep Jungle Home, calm and serene surroundings, a good opportunity to relax your mind and body in the wildlife locations of Bandipur and Mudumalai
