Bandipur Van Safari & Jeep Safari in Bandipur | Deep Jungle Home
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Complete Guide on Bandipur Safari 2024

Bandipur Safari Guide

Bandipur safari is always well rewarding in terms of wildlife sighting. Bandipur National Park is one of the beautiful wildlife sanctuary located in south India with variety of flora and fauna. Bandipur safari offers maximum tiger sightings when compared to other wildlife sanctuaries in south India. Bandipur National park is also rich in other fauna including leopards, sloth bears, wild dogs, herbivores like elephants, gaurs, barking deer, and rare birds like vultures. Both Van safari and jeep safari are available at Bandipur.  A Complete Bandipur trip guide

Picture of new safari office

Picture of new safari office

Picture of new safari office

Bandipur Van Safari

Bandipur Van Safari

Van safari is organized every morning and evening at Bandipur National park. There are five vans in total each van can accommodate 20 people.

Tickets are issued at the Bandipur Safari reception centre office located about 2 km before the Bandipur Tiger reserve Gate.
It is advisable to reach the safari office at least 30 mins before the safari timing especially during holidays and weekends.

Bandipur Safari Costing:

Bandipur Safari Costing

  • Van Safari Indian Adult – Rs. 600
  • Van Safari Indian Child – Rs. 450
  • Van Safari Foreign Citizen – Rs. 1200
  • Van Safari Foriegn Child – Rs. 800
  • Interchangable Lens / DSLR Camera Charges up to 70mm – Rs. 400 per camera per trip
  • Interchangable Lens / DSLR Camera Charges for lens between 70mm to 200mm – Rs. 800 per camera per trip
  • Camera Charges above 200mm lens – Rs. 1000 per camera per trip

Advance booking of Bandipur Jeep safari can be done on  Bandipur Tiger Reserve website.

Or you can go directly to the safari office and buy the tickets. Tickets are  offered on a first come first serve basis.

Bandipur Jeep Safari

Bandipur Jeep Safari

There are Gypsys and camper jeeps available with the Bandipur forest department that are used for safaris.

To increase your chances of availing a Jeep or Gupsy safari in bandipur make sure to reach the safari office well in advance at least by 2pm for afternoon safari. As there are limited number of jeeps available it might not be possible for everyone to get a jeep safari. But Van safari is as good as keep safari in Bandipur.

The petrol gypsy is suitable for upto 5 people – Rs. 4500 plus entry fee of Rs. 200 per person. There are campers – Rs. 7500 also available.

  • Gypsy Safari 5 seater – Rs. 4000
  • Camper Safari (8 seater) – Rs. 6500
  • Tata Safari (4 seater) – Rs. 5500

Bandipur Safari Timing

Bandipur Safari Timing

Picture of actual board at the safari office

Bandipur Morning Safri Timings : 6:10 AM  to 9.45 Am

Bandipur Evening Safari Timings : 2:30 PM to 6.30 pm

Issue of safari tickets will be stopped half an hour before the above mentioned timing. So please make sure to go 30 mins early.

Bandipur Safari Office Contact information ,

Reception Centre

Ph: 08229-236051

Phone : 08229-236043
Fax : 08229-236060
E-mail :

Tourist can call 08229-236051 for more information on Bandipur safari.

Due to the heavy volume of phone calls that come in every day. It is difficult for the forest department to handle phone calls as a result they might not receive your call. In that case do not worry you have an online ticket reservation for bandipur safari on the below link.

Bandipur Safari Online Reservation

Register on the Bandipur Tiger Reserve Website for advanced safari booking

If you see that tickets are already sold out you may avail Jeep safari or van safari at Mudumalai national park which is 15Km From Bandipur safari office.

For Mudumali private safari bookings call 9448476888

New office location for Bandipur Safari office

New office location for Bandipur Safari office

Bandipur Elephant Safari

Elephant ride was organized at Bandipur few years back but now it is not open to public. The elephants camp is located inside the Bandipur national park where tourists can sometimes see the camp elephants. For Elephant safari visit Mudumalai national park that is just a stone throw away from bandipur. hardly a 15mins drive.

Bandipur Souvenir Shop

There is a wildlife souvenir shop located within the safari campus and one shop located half km before the bandipur tiger reserve entrance opposite to jungle lodges resort in bandipur. Shop for pepper honey, Coasters, mugs and t-shirts with beautiful wildlife prints.

You will also find some lovely pen stands, key holders, coffee trays, book bins and tea tables made of lantana which is considered as a forest weed and there are NGOs working on eradiating the weed. JungleScapes is working on lantana eradiation and making of furniture from Lantana. You can contact them on for ordering furniture.

Find the products on

This photo of Bandipur is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Dos and Don’ts At Bandipur Safari office


  1. Basic canteen available near the safari office.
  2. Look out for Parakeets, Nuthatches, barbets and other birds on trees around the place.
  3. There is a small wildlife museum that is worth watching before or after the safari
  4. Use the paid toilets located behind car parking
  5. Enjoy the nature and surroundings in a responsible manner


  1. Do not feed the monkeys, deer, wild boar or any wildlife that you see near the safari office as feeding wildlife is harmful to them as well as you
  2. Do not litter the place
  3. Do not venture in the jungle on foot.
  4. Don’t over speed or park your vehicle in middle of the forest
  5. Don’t make noise or disturb other travelers.
  6. Don’t pester the forest officials for out of turn safari tickets

Village near Bandipur

Remember, most of the diseases like HIV, Ebola came to humans via monkeys. If a monkey bites or scratches you, immediately wash and clean the wound, get a anti rabies vaccination within 4 hours for effective protection.

Photography Services

We are a private resort offering accommodation near Bandipur. We don’t offer advance bandipur safari ticket booking. Please go to Bandipur tiger safari office for safari ticket booking.

If you are interested in 3hrs jeep safari in Mudumalai please call us on 9448476888 and this private safari is buffer area safari and is available only for guests who have booked accommodation at Deep Jungle resort

Enjoy your safari- Please keep in mind wildlife sighting is a matter of luck.

For Accommodation Booking in Bandipur Click Or call 09448476888

Tree House In Bandipur Mudumalai Booking Click