bala | Deep Jungle Home - Part 10
Weather: A few clouds, 21 °C / 70 °F
Local time: 09:01 pm

Molapalli Village, Mudumalai Panchayath, Off Thorapalli Gudalur 643211

250 Km from Bangalore ...

1 Room, 1 Adult, 0 Child, 1 Night
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* Best Price Guarantee

Why should you not kill Snakes?

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Top 10 Resorts in Bandipur

Are you yearning to be embraced by our Mother Nature? Then the right choice of place for you would be Bandipur in Chamarajanagar district within the state of Karnataka. It falls within the Nilgiri Bioreserve zone created for protecting the most endangered species of India, the Tiger. The place offers you an enticing view of

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Jungle Music – Sounds Experienced While Staying in Stone Cottage

Jungle Music – Sounds Experienced While Staying in Stone Cottage Author Anju Gyanchand “Each kind of tree is a sort of musical instrument: the apple a cello, the old oak a bass viol, the cypress a harp, the willow a flute, the young pine a muted violin. Put your ear close to the whispering branch

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Top 4 poisonous snakes in South India and tips on how to recognize them

South India hosts a variety of snakes. Some of them are venomous while some are not. The poisonous snakes are the most perilous of all because a human life is endangered if they bite. Here we have a list of top 4 poisonous snakes that are found in South India and given along are some

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If You Are Truly Serious About Wildlife Conservation

Most of the people have hobbies such as bird watching, shooting, fishing, hunting, wild life conservation, and so on. It is always a good practice to know and adopt the advantages of taking up wildlife conservation as a hobby, as it benefits both present and future generation. Advantages of Saving Wild Life: An advantage of

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