Blog on Mudumalai Bandipur flora Fauna and activities | Deep Jungle Home - Part 14
Weather: A few clouds, 25 °C / 77 °F
Local time: 04:01 pm

Molapalli Village, Mudumalai Panchayath, Off Thorapalli Gudalur 643211

250 Km from Bangalore ...

1 Room, 1 Adult, 0 Child, 1 Night
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* Best Price Guarantee

Blog Posts

If you are serious about clicking wild animals!

READ THIS: If you are serious about clicking wild animals! Photography is an art and wild life photography is a wild art. It’s beautiful to see amazing moments of wild life being captured in the lens, it brings a smile on the face, and sometimes it even gives goose bumps. Think about it, when we

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Anger management tips to children

Children are the future generations who will control the world after us. Therefore, a better upbringing of children ensures a better future for the world. One main cause of children straying from proper upbringing is their obstinate behavior which leads to them becoming angry, frustrated and even violent. We know that children are generally obstinate

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The wildlife sanctuaries of Tamilnadu

Tamilnadu has a very delightful topography which is very different and unique. 17.6% is completely forest area out of 1, 30,058 Sq km land area which is on the slopes of mountains and above the plain.  There are numerous types of forest on those dry lands like thorn forest, scrubs, dry-deciduous forest and mangroves. There

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Tips for spotting more birds during your bird walk

There’s an untold beauty about nature and bird walk is one of the many ways to observe and drink in the exquisiteness of nature’s wonders in this case birds. Bird walk is not so much a daunting thing requiring tremendous amount of energy and perseverance as many think; although it is quite true that birding

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Tips on spotting more animals when you are on a safari

What are you planning for this vacation? The usual resorts, beaches and hill stations won’t find appealing every year. You tend to get bored sooner or later with these usual forms of recreation. How about an adventurous holiday? Mountain climbing, paragliding, trekking or if you quite afraid of them all, a visit to a wildlife

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