Eco-Friendly Holiday at Bandipur Resort
Eco-Friendly holidaying while at jungle resort Bandipur plays a prominent role in the existence of jungle and the beings in it. Though technology has made our life so easy, we fail to take time, look around us and realise that our environment is at a stake. Pollution in Indian jungles is just an example of

Mudumalai Safari and Elephant Feeding camp Reopens after Covid
Mudumalai Tiger reserve will be open for tourists from 9th Jan 2021.. As per Go ms 17 revenue and disaster management dt 08-01-2021, Go ms 820 R&D dt 23-12-2020 With all Covid safety measures in place. The following Guidelines and directions must be be followed by tourists visiting Mudumalai Tiger reserve as given below 1.It

Life During and After Covid @ Deep Jungle Home Resort Bandipur
Finally Deep Jungle home was opened for tourist from first week of November after the 7 months of complete Covid Lock down period. Covid Precautions Taken at Deep jungle home resort Mudumalai Bandipur for the safety of guests 1, Hand sanitization during chicken as well as finding hall entrance for convenience of guests 2, Temperature
Top 15 Jungle Resorts In Bandipur
1. Windflower Resort and Spa (formerly Tusker Trails) Website: Phone number: 9901446666 / 8040842222 TripAdvisor review url: Average tariff: Rs. 11400 2. Country Club Wildlife Resort Website: Phone Number: 8229236090 TripAdvisor review url: Average tariff: Rs. 7000 3. The Serai Resorts Website: Phone Number: 8040012200 TripAdvisor review url: Average

3 Ways To Stop Using Plastic At Home
Indian politicians have been speaking out against the use of plastic for many years – it is damaging the environment, as well as killing wildlife. Even the Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked for plastic pollution to be tackled urgently at the World Environment Day. This January the state of Tamil Nadu has banned the use of single