35 Creative Ways to Use Plastic Bottles/Pet Bottles
By-Anju Gyanchand Did you know that it takes three times the amount of water to make a PET bottle than to fill it? Shocking isn’t it? PET i.e. polyethylene terephthalate bottles ,the ones commonly used to bottle water, are made of a substance that photodegrades rather than biodegrade, which means it breaks down over time

Wild Animal Communication Methods
Language is a medium through which people communicate. There are so many languages in this world and human beings use them for communication. Have you ever found yourself in a foreign country where they don’t understand your language? Well, even in such places, you manage somehow with the help of sign languages and other things.
Making Bird Houses With Unused Material At Home
Tips On Setting Up A Bird House and Attracting Birds Into It Here are some creative ideas on converting unused or waste material into bird houses.By Setting up a birdhouse in your backyard or balcony you will be offering a safe nesting place for birds.With growing city boundaries and afforestation birds find it difficult to find

The new age of healing-forest bathing
The new age of healing-forest bathing.- By.Anju.Ghyanchand. “Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home. Wilderness is a necessity.” -John Muir. He was a wise man, that John Muir. He knew that a rendezvous with nature wasn’t just a change of scene, but a
Ban on Loud Music in Bandipur Resorts a Huge Relief
New Year celebrations in national parks can be calm peaceful and mind relaxing if celebrated without loud noise and crackers .From this year onwards, there could be some additional terms and conditions that you may have to follow in any home stays, farms houses, hotels and resorts surrounded by forests and Wildlife sanctuaries. Not only