Bandipur Resorts | Deep Jungle Home - Part 5
Weather: A few clouds, 20 °C / 69 °F
Local time: 01:39 am

Molapalli Village, Mudumalai Panchayath, Off Thorapalli Gudalur 643211

250 Km from Bangalore ...

1 Room, 1 Adult, 0 Child, 1 Night
Room Type
* Best Price Guarantee

Tree House For Booking Your Perfect Holiday

Deep Jungle Home Adds Tree House For Booking Your Perfect Holiday At Mudumalai / Bandipur Deep Jungle Home wildlife resort and stream side camp site added a tree house to its inventory commencing with the Deepvali festive season. With the demand for tree house bookings growing by the day, Deep Jungle Home commissioned a tree

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The new age of healing-forest bathing.

The new age of healing-forest bathing.- By.Anju.Ghyanchand. “Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home. Wilderness is a necessity.” -John Muir. He was a wise man, that John Muir. He knew that a rendezvous with nature wasn’t just a change of scene, but a

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Top 10 Bandipur Resorts Surrounded By Jungle

Top 10 Jungle resorts in Bandipur Are you Looking to book a Jungle Resort in Bandipur? Check out the below listed resorts in Bandipur that gives you a actual feel of staying inside a jungle. with lots of wildlife around. Then the right choice of place for you would be Bandipur in Chamarajanagar district within

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South India Wildllife Sanctuaries & the type of wildlife you’d expect to see

Amongst numerous other things, India is also popular for its natural beauty and wildlife. In fact, India’s fascinating beauty can be clearly seen in 440 sanctuaries, 80 national parks and around 23 Tiger reserves. All these have been set up and established by the Government of India. Wildlife in India is protected from wildlife hunters

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Encounters Of The Wild Kind

Tales from the Bandipur Safari Apart from grey langurs and giant squirrels, I had seen little that I could write home about. Of course, that is exciting too, but when your mates have seen two tigers in a day while your attention was on a cloud shaped like an ice-cream, you would yearn for more

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