Bandipur Safari | Deep Jungle Home
Weather: A few clouds, 19 °C / 66 °F
Local time: 04:12 am

Molapalli Village, Mudumalai Panchayath, Off Thorapalli Gudalur 643211

250 Km from Bangalore ...

1 Room, 1 Adult, 0 Child, 1 Night
Room Type
* Best Price Guarantee

Faqs That Arise When Planning a Trip to Bandipur

1, What is the cost of safari in Bandipur The cost of safari in Bandipur varies depending on the type of safari (e.g., Jeep safari, bus safari) and the zone selected. As of my last update in September 2021, the approximate cost for a bus safari was around INR 300 per person, while a Jeep

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Guidelines For Bandipur and Mudumalai Safari

Tips On Increasing Wildlife Sighting Chances During Safari at Bandipur Mudumalai Increasing wildlife sighting chances during a safari requires a combination of factors, including choosing the right location, timing, and employing good observation techniques. Here are some tips to help you increase your chances of spotting wildlife during your safari: Choose the right season and

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Mudumalai Safari and Elephant Feeding camp Reopens after Covid

Mudumalai Tiger reserve will be open for tourists from 9th Jan 2021.. As per Go ms 17 revenue and disaster management  dt 08-01-2021, Go ms 820 R&D dt  23-12-2020 With all Covid safety measures in place. The following Guidelines and directions must be be followed by tourists visiting Mudumalai Tiger reserve as given below 1.It

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Life During and After Covid @ Deep Jungle Home Resort Bandipur

Finally Deep Jungle home was opened for tourist from first week of November after the 7 months of complete Covid Lock down period. Covid Precautions Taken at Deep jungle home resort Mudumalai Bandipur for the safety of guests 1, Hand sanitization during chicken as well as finding hall entrance for convenience of guests 2, Temperature

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Bandipur Safari Office To Be Sifted Outside 2019

From June 2nd the Bandipur van and Jeep safari counter will be shifted outside the Bandipur National Park entry gate, Very close to Bandipur Jungle Lodges  entry gate.The forest department finally decided to implement the plan of shifting the safari point outside of bandipur tiger reserve after lot of discussion. The main reason for this

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