Mudumalai | Deep Jungle Home - Part 4
Weather: A few clouds, 22 °C / 73 °F
Local time: 07:08 am

Molapalli Village, Mudumalai Panchayath, Off Thorapalli Gudalur 643211

250 Km from Bangalore ...

1 Room, 1 Adult, 0 Child, 1 Night
Room Type
* Best Price Guarantee

The Ban on Tiger Tourism in India Will it benefit the tigers or not

“Tiger, tiger burning bright” wrote William Blake in his notable poem “The Tiger” that has been memorized and recited by school-children for centuries. It is the Royal Bengal Tiger of the Sundarbans which has embodied independent India’s elegance and courage. The golden pages of Indian history and mythology narrate tales of powerful kings who had

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Methods to tackle man-animal conflict in south Indian Jungles

South Indian Jungles like the jungles in Karnataka, Kerala and in other states have dangerous wild animals which always give rise to man-animal conflicts. The problem of man-animal conflict in general is not only harmful to human life, but also for the ecosystem. Some of the two major problems which arise due to man-animal conflict

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If you are serious about clicking wild animals!

READ THIS: If you are serious about clicking wild animals! Photography is an art and wild life photography is a wild art. It’s beautiful to see amazing moments of wild life being captured in the lens, it brings a smile on the face, and sometimes it even gives goose bumps. Think about it, when we

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Anger management tips to children

Children are the future generations who will control the world after us. Therefore, a better upbringing of children ensures a better future for the world. One main cause of children straying from proper upbringing is their obstinate behavior which leads to them becoming angry, frustrated and even violent. We know that children are generally obstinate

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Tribes in and around Mudumalai

Mudumalai is a region in Tamilnadu that is well known for its rich diverse flora and fauna, and various tribes that still inhabit the region. These ethnic groups resided here since 1200 BC, and are different from each other in their way of living. The tribes in Nilgiri Hills can be roughly divided into six

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