SUMMER | Deep Jungle Home
Weather: A few clouds, 19 °C / 66 °F
Local time: 03:57 am

Molapalli Village, Mudumalai Panchayath, Off Thorapalli Gudalur 643211

250 Km from Bangalore ...

1 Room, 1 Adult, 0 Child, 1 Night
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* Best Price Guarantee

Best Weekend Getaways around Bangalore

Importance of Weekends around Bangalore: Bangalore is a city located in the southern parts of India in the state of Karnataka. The city is known all over the world because of the presence of various reputed corporate companies and IT sectors there. The peoples who are employed in those companies hardly get any free time

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To listen to the soul of the wild.

Author: Anju Gyanchand It had been five minutes since the walk resumed and with the mid-summer sun beating down on our “just lunched”bodies, it was no surprise that the pace was slower and the mouths quieter. We were in the middle of the Western Ghats and besides seeing bugs , fighting off ticks and delicately

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Anger management tips to children

Children are the future generations who will control the world after us. Therefore, a better upbringing of children ensures a better future for the world. One main cause of children straying from proper upbringing is their obstinate behavior which leads to them becoming angry, frustrated and even violent. We know that children are generally obstinate

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Measures to take up to protect the wildlife in your city

Introduction: It is true, many of the ancient animals are endangered today, and we have the responsibility of guarding and preserving them for our posterity. Points to ponder: 1. If no action is taken now, wildlife may exist only in the form of images in museums.Animals like Blue Whale, Tiger and Panda Bears are the

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Treading in a jungle is not just enjoyment, it’s a very close learning from nature in connection with human life and the activities involved Life originated from nature, thus relationship of man with nature and its various beings is a very beautiful concept. In today’s busy times, getting away from the concrete jungle, which we

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