SUMMER | Deep Jungle Home - Part 2
Weather: A few clouds, 20 °C / 69 °F
Local time: 01:23 am

Molapalli Village, Mudumalai Panchayath, Off Thorapalli Gudalur 643211

250 Km from Bangalore ...

1 Room, 1 Adult, 0 Child, 1 Night
Room Type
* Best Price Guarantee

Conserve Wildlife for a Better Ecosystem

Wildlife includes all non domesticated animals living in their own habitat without human interference such as forests, plains, grasslands etc. Wildlife is important for any country: For Ecological balance and food chain It forms an asset to any country It enhances the beauty of the Eco system and many plants have medicinal value which can

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Facts About Plastic Bottles

1. Approximately 60 million plastic water bottles are used every day in the US, 2.  Nearly 18,756,100,000 end up in the landfill each year. 3.  Each bottle can take up to 700 years to decompose. 4. 80% of plastic bottles are not recycled 5. Land occupied but each plastic bottle or cover goes unused forever and

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Trekking safety guidelines

Trekking is a great outdoor activity. It is extremely popular among sports enthusiasts and people from all age groups. There are a number of trekking groups that organize trekking expeditions regularly due to the popularity and enthusiasm among the people about trekking. However, there is no doubt how exciting, thrilling and adventurous trekking can be

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Kayaking safety guidelines

The recent times have witnessed a steep rise in the popularity of kayaking. Kayaking is a thrilling and an extremely adventurous activity. I am yet to come across a person who is uninterested in it. However one has to keep his exiting for this thrilling adventure in check up realizing a few safety guidelines. Some

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