Conserve Wildlife for a Better Ecosystem
Wildlife includes all non domesticated animals living in their own habitat without human interference such as forests, plains, grasslands etc. Wildlife is important for any country: For Ecological balance and food chain It forms an asset to any country It enhances the beauty of the Eco system and many plants have medicinal value which can
Conserve Wildlife for a Better Ecosystem
Wildlife includes all non domesticated animals living in their own habitat without human interference such as forests, plains, grasslands etc. Wildlife is important for any country: For Ecological balance and food chain It forms an asset to any country It enhances the beauty of the Eco system and many plants have medicinal value which can
Why the hell we should protect this stupid animal Tiger? – Beginning of an “END” for Wildlife
This article is posted verbatim from a facebook post of a friend Munuswamy Sathyamoorthy who was in the forefront of the efforts to capture the doddabetta man eater tiger alive. You an read more at https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=650393984999336 Beginning of an “END” for Wildlife When I saw the tiger been carried from the tea bushes to the
UAVs suggested to prevent elephant deaths by trains
Elephant killed by train With more than 60 elephants being run over by trains in India since 2010, in spite of the safety measures implemented by Indian Railways including reducing of speed in crucial elephant habitats, it is time for out of box thinking to save the elephants. IIT Kanpur is show casing a a
Instructions to be followed while driving though any Wildlife sanctuary
While visiting a Wildlife sanctuary, one must follow the below mentioned safety rules and carry the required documents and permission letters from the respective authorities. Distributing any kind of edibles to the animals on the go is strictly prohibited. Touching, cutting and removing of any plants and flowers are strictly prohibited. Plant materials both that