VACATION ACTIVITIES | Deep Jungle Home - Part 4
Weather: A few clouds, 22 °C / 72 °F
Local time: 07:26 pm

Molapalli Village, Mudumalai Panchayath, Off Thorapalli Gudalur 643211

250 Km from Bangalore ...

1 Room, 1 Adult, 0 Child, 1 Night
Room Type
* Best Price Guarantee

To listen to the soul of the wild.

Author: Anju Gyanchand It had been five minutes since the walk resumed and with the mid-summer sun beating down on our “just lunched”bodies, it was no surprise that the pace was slower and the mouths quieter. We were in the middle of the Western Ghats and besides seeing bugs , fighting off ticks and delicately

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A guide to the Endangered species of Tamil Nadu

Our country has vast landscape rich in flora and fauna. Due to urbanization most of the forests are encroached leaving many plant and animal species endangered. South India has several rare plant and animal species which are in the verge of extinction. The onus lies on every citizen of India to help conserve our environment

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Finally Revealed – The Jungles of India

Wild life, flora and fauna are the major attractions of South India. Karnataka and Madumalai are the charmers and have various jungles or national parks as we call them. 1. Flora and Fauna of Karnataka Woods: A. Let’s explore the jungles of Karnataka which are a home to some of the most beautiful deer, Leopards,

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5 tips on cleaning your camera lens

Photography is a common hobby these days and there are many dilettantes in this area when compared to professional photographers; whether you are an amateur or a pro when it comes to maintenance of a possession, you must be able to take proper care of it. The lens is an important part of the camera, the camera can

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7 big reasons to enjoy holidays biannually

Today’s corporate world proposes a two way approach to holidays. The hectic schedule admits the reason to take holidays whereas the cut throat competition supports the continuous flow of work without any halt. In this dilemma, an employee gets confused to go either way but vacations can make people more effective and efficient at the

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