VACATION ACTIVITIES | Deep Jungle Home - Part 9
Weather: A few clouds, 30 °C / 87 °F
Local time: 10:33 am

Molapalli Village, Mudumalai Panchayath, Off Thorapalli Gudalur 643211

250 Km from Bangalore ...

1 Room, 1 Adult, 0 Child, 1 Night
Room Type
* Best Price Guarantee

Mudumalai Man Eater – A Tragic Tiger Tale

Regarding the Gudalur / Mudumalai man eater tiger, many people have been posting their views. Predominantly most have been of the view that the tiger should have been trapped / tranquilized and relocated to a different location / zoo. The forest department has been accused of killing an innocent tiger to protect the evil humans

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Masinagudi: A place where nature stands still

Masinagudi is one of the most beautiful wildlife sanctuaries in Nilgiri District. It is a part of the Mudumalai National Park and is a wonderful tourist spot. In fact, when people talk about Mudumalai, they are referring to Masinagudi. With so much of vegetation and wildlife to see here, the place offers incredible natural beauty.

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50 Fun Ways Children Can Help With Environment Conservation

1) Buy quality toys that last longer. So that you don’t create more trash. 2) Plant a leafy tree in your neighborhood and water it regularly 3) Convert old plastic bottles into plant holders, fill it up with soil and grow tiny flowering plants 4) Do not mix plastic waste with organic waste. 5) Don’t

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List of Colleges and Universities Offering Wildlife Biology

Name –Wildlife Institute of India Url – Address – Post Box #18, Chandrabani , Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India – 248001 Contact – 91-135-640112     Name – A.V.C.COLLEGE Url - Address -Mayiladuthurai, MannamPandal-609305, Nagai District, TamilNadu, Contact – 04364-222264, 229225   Name – Aligarh Muslim University Url – Address – Amity Institutes of Wildlife

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Fascinating Frogs Found in Mudumalai Western Ghats

So finally, monsoon arrives and with it the forest changes dramatically. The trees grow back their leaves and the leaves go flush, trickling streams flow once again and water holes in the forest get full. There is water everywhere, the forest is soaked…even tree holes are full. This makes it particularly wonderful for a group

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