WILDLIFE CONSERVATION | Deep Jungle Home - Part 19
Weather: A few clouds, 18 °C / 65 °F
Local time: 02:23 am

Molapalli Village, Mudumalai Panchayath, Off Thorapalli Gudalur 643211

250 Km from Bangalore ...

1 Room, 1 Adult, 0 Child, 1 Night
Room Type
* Best Price Guarantee

Advantages and Disadvantages of wildlife photography

It is not so easy to become photographer. Simply getting and SLR in hand don’t make you a good photographer. You need to have those skills and creativity to capture the best of candid moments. The trickiest photographer is wildlife. Though it is so much in demand, there are so many advantages and disadvantages of

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Bandipur Tigers will Get Adhar Cards in 2014

The NTCA (National Tiger Conservation Authority) has planed to allocate an unique Identification number or codes with area locations to each and every tiger in India to protect them from poachers Just like the Adhar card which is an unique id number for every Indian citizen, every Indian tiger     will also be given an unique

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Young Indian Wildlife Photographer Won The Best Wildlife Photographer Award

The title he provided for this photograph is – Mother’s Little Headful Udayan Rao Pawar A 14 year old boy Udayan Rao Pawar of 8th Grade Won the Best Wildlife photographer award for the content organized by BBC in association with UK’s Natural History Museum and BBC Worldwide for the following Photo that he clicked

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The Great Tiger Census Begins at Mudumalai and Bandipur

The third all India tiger census begins on 16th Dec and will go on till 22nd Dec More than 260 Volunteers and 500 forest department staff take part in the census in Bandipur alone. For the past two years many techies from Bangalore have taken up the wildlife tracking and photography as a hobby this

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Young Indian Wildlife Photographer Won The Best Wildlife Photographer Award

The title he provided for this photograph is – Mother’s Little Headful Udayan Rao Pawar A 14 year old boy Udayan Rao Pawar of 8th Grade Won the Best Wildlife photographer award for the content organized by BBC in association with UK’s Natural History Museum and BBC Worldwide for the following Photo that he clicked

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