Eco Friendly Resort in Bandipur | Deep Jungle Home
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Molapalli Village, Mudumalai Panchayath, Off Thorapalli Gudalur 643211

250 Km from Bangalore ...

Eco Friendly Resort in Bandipur

The green revolution is taking the world and the people all over the world getting swathed in it. Everyone of us are now getting conscious of the

environment and shifting to an eco-friendly resorts in bandipur after knowing that the luxurious life are a threat to our planet and for the future generation.

While we may practise eco-friendly living in our home and office, but we forget all these things to follow when we go out of town. Wheather it is a business trip or a holiday trip.

Once we reach our destination we stay in hotel nearby area as per our requirement.

Most of us book luxurious villas and resorts as per our requirement and comfort. Many of us start researching whether the hotel is nearby beautiful location or

matches our standard or the room have wifi or not but how many of us thinks even once whether it is eco – friendly resort or not? Don’t you think that’s the most important criteria?

Eco friendly hotels are certified green hotels that follows the green and eco friendly living in all sphere. Many hotels are trying to convert and follow the same pattern

if not 100% still in few aspects. It is not that easy to find an eco friendly hotel as per our requirement but atleast we can try to find some eco friendly credentials before booking. 

Here we will tell you some of the characteristics of the eco friendly hotel you should look for before booking.

● A Resort with lower energy conserving lighting. It is very important for an eco friendly hotel to use energy very carefully to reduce its carbon footprint.

● The furnitures in hotel are made of eco friendly materials. Mostly recycled or reclaimed wood, bamboo is also a pretty good choice.

● An good eco friendly hotel is made up of sustainable materials and use less fossil fuel as we all know they are very limited.

● The things like bedsheet, towel, mattresses are made up of organic material.

● The room, looby and other places should have recycle bins so that the guests can through their trash in it.

● An eco friendly jungle resort Bandipur should also be properly insulated so the heat does not escape from room.

● The bathroom should have low flush toilet so that less water is used.

● All the electronic products like television and air conditioners must be star products.

● Some eco friendly hotels also take part in community programs like planting tress and locality cleaning etc.

● All the members of the hotel must be aware and responsible towards energy conservation.

● One of the most important thing is the location of the hotel. It must be located near to the market, railway station or airport which reduces the use

of vehicle for the guest and also save transportation cost. 

● One of the most important thing to check that the hotel nearby area is no smoking zone. Which is one of the most important aspect.

No resort in Bandipur can be100% eco friendly but may be closer to be a green hotel. It is not easy but not  impossible all it need is the co-operative

efforts from the staff as well as from guest. So next time when you book an hotel don’t forget to check these things.  
