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Facts About Plastic Bottles

1. Approximately 60 million plastic water bottles are used every day in the US,

2.  Nearly 18,756,100,000 end up in the landfill each year.

3.  Each bottle can take up to 700 years to decompose.

4. 80% of plastic bottles are not recycled

5. Land occupied but each plastic bottle or cover goes unused forever and there will be no more plant growth in that particular areas

6. Burning plastic bottles generates toxic fumes that causes health hazards

7. To produce a plastic bottle it takes three times more water than the bottle can hold

8.Plastic causes destruction to  wildlife and environment

Conclusion – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle plastic Bottles

1.Bowls made of plastic bottles

2.Boat made of plastic bottle

3.Plant holder

4.Cute Little Bird House

5.Beautiful gift boxes

6.Bubble Blower

8.Wall made of Plastic bottle

9.Green house

10.Bird Feeder

11.Tea Table

12.Product holder

13.Wall hanging Plant holder

14.Plastic bottle Jewellery

By Bala M


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