Frequently asked Question about Bandipur | Deep Jungle Home
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250 Km from Bangalore ...


General FAQ on Bandipur National Park

Which are the best budget resort in Bandipur?

Deep Jungle home resort and MC resorts in Bandipur are the budget resorts around Bandipur apart from the forest department guest house.

Why is Bandipur National Park Famous?

Bandipur National park is famous for its wide range of Fauna distribution and frequent tiger sightings.

Also its easy accessibility from cities like Bangalore Mysore.

How to reach Bandipur National park?

Bandipur Can be reached by private cars or Busses that ply to Ooty. It is just 6 hrs drive from Bangalore.

If you choose to travel by but you need to ask the driver to drop you at Bandipur Safari office and not at Bandipur gate. It is a request drop point.

When is Bandipur national park closed ?

Bandipur national Park is open all throughout the year. Closed on very rare occasions like heavy floods or natural calamities like forest fire.

Bandipur National Park Road closing and opening time?

The National highway passing through Bandipur closes exactly at 9 Pm and opens again at 6 Am. The forest department is very strict with this policy and never let vehicles to pass even after 1min from closing time. so plan your travel accordingly.

When is the best time to visit Bandipur ?

Bandipur can be visited all throughout the year. Monsoon is best time to enjoy the greenery all around and the beauty of grazing herbivores and scenic water bodies. Winter is the best time to enjoy the weather and summer enjoys maximum tiger sightings near water bodies due to scarcity of water.

When does Bandipur Gate closes?

Bandipur Gate closes exactly at 9 Pm every day.


What are the best accommodation and stay options in Bandipur ?

If you would like to experience staying right inside the jungle bandipur forest department guest house is the best accommodation and stay option in Bandipur. But most of the time it gets full fast so another options that can be considered are Jungle lodges and resorts, Windflower resort in Bandipur or Deep jungle home resort Bandipura.

How do you book Jeep safari in Bandipur National Park?

Jeep safari cannot be booked in advance. You have to go early on the day of safari to the safari office and get tickets from the tickets counter. Bandipur Safari jeeps are allotted on first come first serve basis.

Are night Safaris allowed in Bandipur ?

No night safaris are not allowed in Bandipur. Night Safaris are considered illegal in Bandipur.

You can only enjoy early morning safaris 6 am to 8 am and evening safaris 4 Pm to 6 pm.

What are the activities available at Bandipur?

Safari, Nature walk, Birdwatching, Star Gazing, Visit to lantana Furniture manufacturing unit are the various activities at Bandipur

What to shop for in Bandipur?

Eco friendly camouflage print t-shirts, Lantana furniture, Pure Honey, Mugs and other accessories with wildlife prints over them.
