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List Of Wildlife Photography Contests Around The World 2019

Photography Contest Name: Sony World Photography Awards – Professional Competition

Url: https://www.worldphoto.org/sony-world-photography-awards

Desc: This Professional competition is looking to reward and showcase the world’s most outstanding bodies of work.

Closing Date: 11th January 2019

Photography Contest Name: Virginia Wildlife Photo Showcase

Url: https://www.dgif.virginia.gov/virginia-wildlife/photo-showcase-entry/

Desc: The Annual Photography Showcase is offered as a way to recognize the rich heritage of Virginia’s wildlife and natural resources and pay tribute to the mission of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.

Closing Date: 4 February 2019

Photography Contest Name: Fine Art Photography Awards 2019

Url: https://fineartphotoawards.com/

Desc: Fine Art Photography Awards is an open competition for photographers whether professional or amateur. Entries are welcome from all countries.

Closing Date: 10th February 2019

Photography Contest Name: South Carolina Wildlife/Hampton Wildlife Fund Photo Contest

Url: http://www.scwildlife.com/photocontest/index.html

Desc: Want a chance for your nature photos to be published in the South Carolina Wildlife magazine and to be on display at the 2019 Palmetto Sportsmen’s Classic? Submit your photos to the 2019 South Carolina Wildlife photography contest!

Closing Date: 15 February 2019

Photography Contest Name: Magical Nature | The Nature Photography of the Year

Url: http://photonature.si/contest.html

Desc: The contest is open to amateur as well as professional photographers from around the world who create and display all the variety of photographic expression that is covered by the field of nature and wildlife photography.

Closing Date: 17th February 2019

Photography Contest Name: Wildlife Artist of the Year 2019

Url: https://davidshepherd.org/art/wildlife-artist-year

Desc: A prestigious and renowned art competition, Wildlife Artist of the Year brings together a wide range of people from all over the globe to celebrate the world’s diverse range of beauty and wonder.

Closing Date: 18th February 2019

Photography Contest Name: Heard Nature Photography Contest

Url: https://www.heardnaturephotographers.com/about-the-contest

Desc: The Heard Nature Photography Contest predates the Heard Nature Photographers Club by several years. Check out our website to learn more and participate

Closing Date: 24th February 2019

Photography Contest Name: Burr Oak Woods Conservation Nature Center photography Competition

Url: https://nature.mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/places/burr-oak-woods-ca/2019-photography-competition-entry-form

Desc: Each year our visitors take thousands of wonderful photographs highlighting the beauty and diversity of our site. If you have a photo you’d like to share, Burr Oak Wood is hosting its annual photography competition and would like to include you!

Closing Date: 26th February 2019

Photography Contest Name: CIC Wildlife Photo Prize 2019

Url: http://www.cic-wildlife.org/2019/01/22/cic-wildlife-photo-prize-2019-ready-steady-shoot-2-january-2019/

Desc: The CIC Wildlife Photo Prize aims to stimulate observations in the field and an awareness of the aesthetic value of wildlife and hunting.

Closing Date: 28th February 2019

Photography Contest Name: GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2019

Url: https://www.gdtfoto.de/

Desc: For the 19th time the Society of German Nature Photographers invites professional and non-professional photographers from all over Europe to join this year‘s competition.

Closing Date: 1st March 2019

Photography Contest Name: BC Wildlife Photo Contest – 2019

Url: https://www.bcferriesvacations.com/promotions/bc-wildlife-photo-contest—2019

Desc: Share your best animal photos with #BCFWildlife for your chance to win the trip-of-a-lifetime on BC’s majestic Central Coast: a 6-night Great Bear Circle Tour for two.  Limit of 10 original entries per person.

Closing Date: 1st March 2019

Photography Contest Name: 2019 Otago Wildlife Photography Competition

Url: https://otagomuseum.nz/OWPC

Desc: Winning and highly commended photographs will be announced at a prize-giving on Saturday 30 March 2019 followed by the opening of a free exhibition of winners and selected entries.

Closing Date: 1 March 2019

Photography Contest Name: The Annual BigPicture: Natural World Photography Competition

Url: https://www.bigpicturecompetition.org/competitiondetails

Desc: BigPicture is open to all photography enthusiasts and professionals alike worldwide to compete for a chance to win the $5,000 grand prize. See eligibility restrictions below.

Closing Date: 1st March 2019

Photography Contest Name: 2019 Tennessee Wildlife Calendar Contest

Url: https://tnwf.org/photocontest/

Desc: As the most biologically diverse inland state, Tennessee is teeming with stunning wildlife and habitats. Tennessee Wildlife Federation is calling for your photos of these natural wonders!

Closing Date: 20th March 2019

Photography Contest Name: National Wildlife Photo Contest

Url: https://www.nwf.org/Magazines/National-Wildlife/Photo-Contest

Desc: Our 48th annual photo contest is now open. Every person who enters not only honors their own work, but also helps support the conservation mission of the National Wildlife Federation, which is dedicated to saving wildlife species and their habitats.

Closing Date: 22nd March 2019

Photography Contest Name: 2019 Wakulla Wildlife Photography Contest

Url: https://www.thewakullanews.com/content/2019-wakulla-wildlife-photography-contest

Desc: The Wakulla News invites you to participate in a photography contest!

Closing Date: 22ndMarch 2019

Photography Contest Name: Story County Conservation – Annual Photo Contest

Url: https://www.storycountyiowa.gov/587/Annual-Photo-Contest

Desc: Story County Conservation holds an annual photography contest that is open to amateur photographers only.

Closing Date: 22nd March 2019

Photography Contest Name: 2019 Warragul National Photographic Competition

Url: http://www.warragulnational.org/

Desc: The National Photographic Competition hosted by the Warragul Camera Club Inc is one of only three annual National Competitions in Victoria held under the auspices of the Australian Photographic Society.

Closing Date: 27th March 2019

Photography Contest Name: 2019 Young Birders Photo Contest

Url: https://www.floridasbirdingandphotofest.com/young-birders-photo-contest/4593662402

Desc: Submit your best original bird, wildlife or nature photographs. Images must be taken in Florida by the person submitting within the last year prior to this contest.

Closing Date: 29 March 2019

Photography Contest Name: BioPhotoContest 2019

Url: http://www.biophotocontest.com/eng/contest/general-themes-prospect/

Desc: Here’s a different and unique photographic competition launched by BioArt visual association, that helps us know and preserve the rich beauty of the Biomes through some chapters that describe landscapes, animals, plants, insects, colours and shapes seen and told with a special eye and feeling.

Closing Date: 31th March 2019

Photography Contest Name: European Treasures of Nature photography competition 2019

Url: https://www.euronatur.org/en/what-we-do/nature-photo-competition/competition-2019/

Desc: Details of how to enter the new 2019 competition will appear on our website.

Closing Date: 31st March 2019

Photography Contest Name: PhotoBoox Award 2019

Url: http://www.photoluxfestival.it/en/photoboox-award-2019/

Desc: The PhotoBoox Award 2019 is an international contest dedicated to photobooks promoted by Photolux in cooperation with ceiba editions and Grafiche dell’Artiere, realized with the cooperation of Miami Photo Fest and the media partnership of Eyes Open! magazine.

Closing Date: 31st March 2019

Photography Contest Name: International Competition of Nature Photography Glanzlichter 2019

Url: https://www.glanzlichter.com/guidelines.cfm

Desc: The competition is open to everyone who practices nature photography as a hobby or on a professional basis.

Closing Date: 31st March 2019

Photography Contest Name: iPhone Photography Awards 2019

Url: https://www.ippawards.com/

Desc: The world’s first and most respected mobile photography awards IPPAWARDS known as the Oscars of the mobile photography, has been instrumental in launching the careers of some of the iPhone photographers worldwide.

Closing Date: 31st March 2019

Photography Contest Name: British Wildlife Photography Awards 2019

Url: https://www.bwpawards.org/

Desc: To mark our tenth anniversary and help raise awareness about our coast; its incredible biodiversity and the threats it is facing we have expanded the Coast and Marine category to include British and Irish Coastlines within four separate categories; Wales, Scotland, England, and Northern Ireland & the Coast of Ireland.

Closing Date: 6th April 2019        

Photography Contest Name: Audubon Photography Awards

Url: https://www.audubon.org/photoawards-entry

Desc: You’re crazy about birds and photography. Now combine your twin passions by entering your best bird photos in the 2019 Audubon Photography Awards. You could win a cash prize or, if you’re our Youth winner, a special trip that will help you become an even better bird photographer.

Closing Date: 8th April 2019

Photography Contest Name: 16th International Festival of La Gacilly 2019

Url: https://www.concours-photolagacilly.com/

Desc: As part of the 16th International Festival of La Gacilly 2019, “people and nature” an international competition of digital pictures is organized by the Photo Club of La Gacilly Festival partner

Closing Date: 8th April 2019

Photography Contest Name: Neutral Density Photography Awards 2019

Url: https://ndawards.net/

Desc: ND Awards aims to promote photography and photographers. Our idea is to create new opportunities to present valuable work to audiences all over the world.

Closing Date: 28thApril 2019

Photography Contest Name: MontPhoto 2019 – International Nature Photography Contest

Url: https://montphoto.com/

Desc: International nature photography contest is opened to amateurs and professionals from all around the world and organized by the montphoto association.         

Closing Date: 30th April 2019

Photography Contest Name: 22nd International Wildlife Photography Festival

Url: https://www.photo-montier.org/en/les-concours-du-festival/reglements-modalites/

Desc: AFPAN “L’Or Vert” (Association for the Wildlife and Nature Photo Festival) organizes a free digital photography and filmed sequences competition for its 22nd International Wildlife Photography Festival taking place from 14th to 17th November 2019 in Montier-en-Der (Haute-Marne, France).

Closing Date: 30th April 2019

Photography Contest Name: 2019 National Geographic Travel Photo Contest

Url: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/contests/travel-photo-contest-2019

Desc: The National Geographic Travel Photo Contest is accepting entries from March 18 through May 3. Harness the power of photography and share your stunning travel experiences from around the globe.

Closing Date: 3rd May 2019

Photography Contest Name: FOTOCompetition FFTJ 2019

Url: https://fftj.mx/photo-contest/

Desc: Whether you are a student or professional photographer that loves nature, FFTJ 2019 has opened a call for you to send your photographs that show the nature, adventure or show us through your lens the greatness of our planet Earth and its corners.

Closing Date: 15th May 2019

Photography Contest Name: CEWE Photo Award 2019

Url: http://contest.cewe-photoworld.com/cewephotoaward

Desc: From breath-taking panoramic landscapes to beautiful portraits or even extreme close-ups, to the photographer with a keen eye and unique perspective, the beauty of our world can be found anywhere.

Closing Date: 31st May 2019

Photography Contest Name: Felix Schoeller Photo Award

Url: https://www.photocontestnow.com/listings/felix-schoeller-photo-award/

Desc: The Felix Schoeller Photo Award is one of the highest prize-value photographic competitions in the German-language regions. The award honors works that clearly illustrate a love of photography and exceptionally stringent demands on picture quality.

Closing Date: 31th May 2019

Photography Contest Name: Golden Turtle 2019 Wildlife Competition

Url: http://wncontest.ru/en/photo/

Desc: The Golden Turtle Festival is the largest international eco-educational project, bringing together photographers, designers and artists celebrating the beauty of the wildlife.

Closing Date: 31st May 2019

Photography Contest Name: Devon Nature and Landscape Photography Competition 2019

Url: https://www.imaginedevon.co.uk/

Desc: Bill opticians, The Medical Eye Clinic and Devon Wildlife trust, have come together to run the annual Devon photography competitions. We hope that through our partnership we can boost awareness of the fragility of both our natural environment and our eye sight.

Closing Date: 31st May 2019

Photography Contest Name: Outdoor Photography Contest – Mississippi Wildlife Federation

Url: https://mswildlife.org/events/outdoor-photography-contest/

Desc: Youth ages 10-16 and adults are invited to submit photographs for entry no later than June 1, 2019.

Closing Date: 01st June 2019

Photography Contest Name: Staffordshire Wildlife Trust 2020 Calendar Competition

Url: https://www.staffs-wildlife.org.uk/photographycomp

Desc: Staffordshire Wildlife Trust has launched a competition to find 12 stunning images for our 2020 calendar – and we need YOUR photos!

Closing Date: 7th June 2019

Photography Contest Name: 2019 Galapagos Photography Competition

Url: https://galapagosconservation.org.uk/get-involved/photography-competition/

Desc: If you have been lucky enough to visit the Enchanted Isles and have managed to capture some of the Archipelago’s stunning natural beauty through the lens, why not enter our competition and see what the judges think?

Closing Date: 9th June 2019

Photography Contest Name: 2019 Wildlife in Focus Photo Contest

Url: https://wildlifeinfocus.org/2019-contest-information/

Desc: The Wildlife in Focus photo contest is held biennially in odd numbered years.

Closing Date: 15 June 2019

Photography Contest Name: 2019 Nature Photography Contest

Url: https://www.acncphotocontest.com/

Desc: Submissions are now being accepted for the annual Audubon Community Nature Center Nature Photography Contest. Visit our website for more details.

Closing Date: 30thJune 2019

Photography Contest Name: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2019

Url: https://www.comedywildlifephoto.com/

Desc: The World-Famous Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards are back for 2019, so get ready to be entertained by some of the funniest animals on the planet!

Closing Date: 30th June 2019

Photography Contest Name: Monochrome Photography Awards 2019

Url: https://monoawards.com/

Desc: Monochrome Photography Awards conducts an annual competition for professional and amateur photographers. Our mission is to celebrate monochrome visions and discover the most amazing photographers from around the world.

Closing Date: 7th July 2019

Photography Contest Name: ANNUAL IPA Photography COMPETITION

Url: https://www.photoawards.com/awards/

Desc: The International Photography Awards 2019 is now open!

Closing Date: 14th July 2019

Photography Contest Name: 2019 Chromatic Awards

Url: https://chromaticawards.com/

Desc: The annual Chromatic Awards is the perfect international platform for professionals and amateurs alike where discovery and promotion of new talented souls in color photography across all 20 categories are the very essence of the competition.

Closing Date: 21st July 2019

Photography Contest Name: Amazing Wildlife Photo Contest

Url: https://ourworldinfocus.com/photo-contest-amazing-wildlife/

Desc: Our World In Focus is proud to present the 2019 Amazing Wildlife Photo Contest! This premier contest is focused on the incredible wildlife that inhabits planet earth.

Closing Date: 31st July 2019

Photography Contest Name: Nature Photo Contest 2019

Url: https://naturecanada.ca/enjoy-nature/2018-photo-contest/

Desc: From May 21 to August 11, we will be accepting photos which capture the beauty of Canadian nature all around us.

Closing Date: 11th August 2019

Photography Contest Name: Nature Photo Contest

Url: https://naturecanada.ca/enjoy-nature/2019-photo-contest/

Desc: The Nature Photo Contest is a celebration of the plants, animals, landscapes and moments in nature that bring us joy and happiness.

Closing Date: 11st August 2019

Photography Contest Name: International Nature Photo of Namur Competition 2019

Url: http://www.festivalnaturenamur.be/photo-contest

Desc: The registrations to the International Nature Photo of Namur Competition 2019 are open from 1 February to 15 August 2019.

Closing Date: 15th August 2019

Photography Contest Name: 2019 Maryland Natural Resource Photo Contest

Url: https://dnr.maryland.gov/Pages/photocontest.aspx

Desc: The 16th Annual Maryland Department of Natural Resources Photo Contest runs now through Aug. 30, 2019. All winners will be featured in the department’s 2020 wall calendar and published in the winter 2020 edition of the magazine.

Closing Date: 30 August 2019

Photography Contest Name: 2019 National Park Photo Contest presented by Tamron

Url: https://www.nationalparktripsmedia.com/contests/national-parks-photo-contest

Desc: Pick your best shots taken in America’s national parks and submit them to our National Park Photography Contest.

Closing Date: 31st August 2019

Photography Contest Name: Nature Photographer of the Year Contest 2019

Url: https://naturephotographeroftheyear.com/

Desc: For the fourth time in a row we’d like to welcome you to join the Nature Photographer of the Year competition, powered by Nature Talks Photo Festival in the Netherlands. We kindly invite professional and non-professional photographers, of all ages, from all over the world, to join our contest again this year.

Closing Date: 1st September 2019

Photography Contest Name: 2019 Wild NH Photo Contest

Url: http://www.nhaudubon.org/events-and-news/wild-nh-photo-contest/

Desc: The Wild NH Photo Contest is open to all amateur photographers. Check our website for details.

Closing Date: 4 September 2019

Photography Contest Name: 2019 State Parks and Forests Through the Seasons photo contest.

Url: https://paparksandforests.org/get-involved/photo-contest/photo-contest-2019/

Desc: The annual Parks & Forests Thru the Seasons photo contest allows professional and amateurs alike to vie for supremacy in a variety of categories, capturing all that is special and the memories that are made in our state parks and forests.

Closing Date: 4th September 2019

Photography Contest Name: 2019 “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society Amateur Photography Contest

Url: https://dingdarlingsociety.org/articles/photo-contests

Desc: We welcome you as a participant in the “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society’s Amateur Photography Contest, held each October to commemorate the birthday of one of American’s leading conservationists, cartoonists, and environmental advocates, Jay Norwood “Ding” Darling.

Closing Date: 15th September 2019

Photography Contest Name: Living with Wildlife Photography Contest

Url: https://www.discoverwildcare.org/support-us/living-wildlife-photography-contest/

Desc: Get outside with your camera and enter your best wildlife photographs in WildCare’s 13th annual Living with Wildlife Photography Contest!

Closing Date: 27th September 2019

Photography Contest Name: Living with Wildlife Photography Contest

Url: https://www.discoverwildcare.org/support-us/living-wildlife-photography-contest/

Desc: Get outside with your camera and enter your best wildlife photographs in WildCare’s 13th annual Living with Wildlife Photography Contest!

Closing Date: 27th September 2019

Photography Contest Name: Friends of the Forest Preserves – 11th Annual Photo Contest

Url: http://www.fotfp.org/photo-contest/

Desc: Showcase your work while helping to communicate the beauty and value of the forest preserves in Cook County by entering Friends’ 11th annual photo contest.

Closing Date: 29th September 2019

Photography Contest Name: North Dakota Game and Fish Watchable Wildlife Photo Contest

Url: https://gf.nd.gov/wildlife/watchable-photo-contest

Desc: The North Dakota Game and Fish Watchable Wildlife Photo Contest is an annual photo contest begun in 1989. The contest showcases North Dakota’s wildlife, plant and insect species. Winning photos are displayed on the Department’s website and in the January issue of the North Dakota Outdoors magazine, the Department’s monthly magazine.

Closing Date: 1st October 2019

Photography Contest Name: Outdoor Alabama Photo Contest

Url: https://www.outdooralabama.com/programs/outdoor-alabama-photo-contest

Desc: This year’s photo contest is a Joint Project between the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR), the Alabama Tourism Department (Tourism) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Alabama (USFWS).

Closing Date: 31th October 2019

Photography Contest Name: Wildlife Worldwide Photography Competition 2019

Url: https://www.wildlifeworldwidephotographycompetition.com/

Desc: We are delighted to announce that the second Wildlife Worldwide Photography Competition is now open. This new competition is FREE to enter and open to everyone. There are three different categories to enter, each with its own focus:

Closing Date: 22nd November 2019

Photography Contest Name: Cincinnati Nature Center – 2019 Photo Contest

Url: https://www.cincynature.org/events-and-programs/photo-contest-15/info-52/

Desc: Cincinnati Nature Center invites any and all amateur photographers to enter our 2019 Photo Contest. Winning photographs will be posted on our website and may be used in Nature Center print and electronic publications.

Closing Date: 30th November 2019

Photography Contest Name: Smithsonian 17th Annual Photo Contest

Url: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/photocontest/

Desc: Smithsonian.com’s 17th Annual Photo Contest begins April 2, 2019, and ends November 30, 2019, at 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. By submitting an entry, each contestant agrees to the rules of the contest and states that he or she is 18 years old or older.

Closing Date: 30th November 2019

Photography Contest Name: Denver Audubon Photography Competition

Url: http://denveraudubon.contestvenue.com/

Desc: Open to all photographers worldwide, 18 years and up. Images must be taken by the person entering them.

Closing Date: 01st December 2019

Photography Contest Name: Delaware Hunting and Fishing Photo Contests

Url: https://dnrec.alpha.delaware.gov/fish-wildlife/photo-contest-entry/

Desc: The DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife holds annual fishing and hunting photography contests to help celebrate Delaware’s traditions of fishing, hunting and outdoor recreation.

Closing Date: 31st January 2020

Photography Contest Name: Discover Wildlife Monthly Photo Contest

Url: https://www.discoverwildlife.com/submit-your-wildlife-photos/

Desc: BBC Wildlife Magazine runs two photographic competitions – the Your Photos competition for the magazine, and the monthly Online Photo Contests.

Closing Date: Check website

Photography Contest Name: 2019 Photo Contest Series

Url: http://www.wildlifephoto.com/wildlife-photography-competition/

Desc: Our 2019 Contest Series will be opening for entries soon. Visit our website for details

Closing Date: Check our website.

Photography Contest Name: Shoot The Frame Monthly International Photography Contests

Url: https://shoottheframe.com/

Desc: Shoot The Frame is a suite of monthly international photography contests, designed to celebrate stunning photography and expose talented photographers.

Closing Date: Check our website

Photography Contest Name: State Forest Photo Contest

Url: https://www.freshfromflorida.com/Divisions-Offices/Florida-Forest-Service/Recreation/State-Forest-Photo-Contest

Desc: The Florida Forest Service invites you to participate in Florida’s State Forest Photo Contest. Submit your photograph(s) taken at one of Florida’s State Forests for a chance to be a quarterly winner.

Closing Date: All submissions received by the twentieth (20th) of each ending quarter month (March, June, September, & December) will be judged for that quarter.

Photography Contest Name: Ranger Rick’s “YOUR BEST SHOTS” Contest

Url: https://rangerrick.org/photo-contest/contest-details/

Desc: Now you can enter YOUR BEST nature shots online!

Closing Date: This contest is ongoing with no entry deadline so you can enter your photos at any time.

Photography Contest Name: East Sussex Wildlife Rescue & Ambulance Service – 2019 Wildlife Photography Competition

Url: http://wildlifeambulance.org/2019-wildlife-photo-competition/

Desc: The promoter of the prize draw is East Sussex Wildlife Rescue (WRAS). The promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.

Closing Date: Opening and Closing dates for entries will be posted each month on the WRAS Facebook page.
