Prevention and Precautions for Monkey Fever in Bandipur | Deep Jungle Home
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Prevention and Precautions for Monkey Fever in Bandipur

Monkey Fever in Bandipur
What precautions should tourists to Mudumalai and Bandipur take?
Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD) also known as monkey fever as it first was discovered with the death of monkeys in Kyasanur forest division of Shimoga has resurfaced again at the Maddur forest range in Bandipur. As per forest and health officials, the occurrence is prelimnary and contained within the local area. There is no reason for panic.
To be on the safe side, take the following precautions:

  • Use anti tick lotion / medicines
  • Wear full sleeved shirts, high ankle shoes, monkey caps (helps with the cold also), long pants
  • Keep away from direct contact with wildlife

This disease doesnt transmit from humans to humans. The carrier / medium of this disease transmission is a forest tick called Haemaphysalis spinigera. If the nymphs of this tick bites humans, they get infected.
Vaccine is available at the government health department.
More information can be had from
Take care
Update: There is no threat of Monkey fever to guests staying in Bandipur / Mudumalai as per the respective forest departments
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