Tips for spotting more birds during your bird walk | Deep Jungle Home
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Tips for spotting more birds during your bird walk

There’s an untold beauty about nature and bird walk is one of the many ways to observe and drink in the exquisiteness of nature’s wonders in this case birds. Bird walk is not so much a daunting thing requiring tremendous amount of energy and perseverance as many think; although it is quite true that birding requires a lot of patience, here are some tips that would help you spot birds easily if not more.

  • The most basic thing to have in such expeditions is a pair of binoculars, so it is only sensible that you buy good lasting ones. They might cost a bit around 300 dollars but they’ll be worth it.
  • Equally necessary is a field guide that gives you information about the birds you spot. Once you know basic info about the species, spotting them becomes easy. Since this is the age of technology, most of us have smartphones and there are amazing apps available in the markets for bird walk especially field guides.
  • It’s imperative you carry a good camera to capture the birds you have spotted. It’s always nice to gloat on all the amazing birds you have spotted through those long hours of waiting and more waiting.
  • As you progress into bird-watching, you’ll realize that you can categorize the birds you spot through a simple algorithm. First, how big or small is it? Second, what is its color? Third, how is it behaving? Fourth and final, what sort of habitat is it in? These basic questions will give you all the information you need to know about the particular bird.
  • Bird watching could be a social endeavor as well, not only will it help you spot more birds, as more number of eyes are searching and exploring, it was also help you bond more with your family members or friends.
  • Some take bird walk as a leisure activity while some are quite serious about it who have definite goals such as spotting a certain number of birds, or a certain species of birds. If that’s the case, if you have a set goal in mind, then don’t forget to do your research on the place you are visiting and the kind of birds you expect to see. As bird watching is a strenuous activity which involves quite a good amount of forbearance, it’s good to have all the facts beforehand.
  • Timing plays a crucial role when you are out bird-spotting, sometimes, mornings are the best and some other times, it’s the evenings which are more rewarding. So, again it’s quite essential to know your location well before planning out the bird walk. Keep in mind that season also plays its role and shouldn’t be lowballed.
  • Even after having everything fastidiously planned out with all the right gear and equipment, there can be times which are quite disappointing while there may also come a few times, rare splendid scenes of exotic birds. One thing is for sure, it is a requisite to anticipate the unpredicted.
