Places of Interest Around Bandipur | Deep Jungle Home
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Places of Interest Around Bandipur


Apart from Safari and wildlife from Bandipur there are lot of other less explored places of tourist interest some of them are listed below. Staying in any resort in bandipur you can explore all these tourist locations around bandipur.

Places to see around Bandipur National Park

Vijayanarayana Temple Gundulpet ( 12km From Bandipur )

This template is dedicated to lord Venkateshwara. The temple architecture is a marvelous creation of the Hoyshala period around 10th century to the 15th century Ad.

The intrinsic carved pillars are rich and admirable. The stone pillars contain carvings of Lions, warriors and various deities with is sore to be enjoyed by all visitors.

The temple Timing – Morning 7 am to 10 am and Evening 6 pm to 8pm .

There is parking available around 100meters from the temple.

Vijaya Narayana Swamy Temple Google maps location


The Siva Temple ( 1km before Bandipur Gate)


The Siva Temple ( 1km before Bandipur Gate)

The Siva Temple ( 1km before Bandipur Gate)


The Siva Temple ( 1km before Bandipur Gate)

It’s a newly constructed temple with modern template architecture. The huge Siva statue along with other gods and figurines are attractive and colorful.

The temple is open throughout the day though poojas are conducted only occasionally and not on regular basis. Car can be parked in front of the temple entrance . It is one other place to visit in Bandipur

The Google maps location of Shiva Temple


Vegetable Nurseries (4 km from Bandipur)


Vegetable Nurseries (4 km from Bandipur)

Vegetable Nurseries (4 km from Bandipur)

If you are into terrace farming or backyard gardening this place will surely be of interest to you.There are many vegetable nursery farms around Bandipur where you can get vegetable seedlings like Cabbage, Cauliflower, tomatoes, brinjals and many others for prices as low at 2rs per seedling. Other fruit seedlings that you can get a watermelon, strawberry, muskmelon and guava seedlings for 3rs each.

You also purchase manure like earthworm manure and Cocopeet at low process.

Lantana Craft Center (15km from Bandipur Safari Office)

Lantana Craft Center (15km from Bandipur Safari Office)


Lantana Craft Center (15km from Bandipur Safari Office)

Lantana, an aggressive weed, is a threat to Indian forests. It prevents other vegetation from growing. ATREE is a NGO based in Bangalore that provides training for tribal communities to make lantana crafts. These are ideal for women, and crafts people can make up to Rs 4000 per month. People residing at Lokkere, a silent hamlet off Mangala village are engaged in the making of lantana crafts which are then sold in the nearby souvenir shops in Bandipur safari office

Location of Lokkere Lantana Craft Center –


Lantana Craft Center

Lantana Craft Center

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