Top 5 Methods to protect the Great Indian Tiger | Deep Jungle Home
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Top 5 Methods to protect the Great Indian Tiger

It is not obscure any longer that a magnificent species Great Indian Tiger is approaching the verge of extinction at an appalling rate. From the forty thousand that were at the beginning of last century to a mere fourteen hundred, the number of these animals has plummeted drastically. Many causes for this dismaying situation have been identified including the burgeon of illegal activities such as poaching, which again is prevalent due to the increasing demand for Tiger skin; the depletion of prey from their natural habitats is yet another potent cause for the striking drop in number. Although, the circumstances look gloomy and unappealing, wildlife conservationists and scientists are positive that these species can thrive if proper measures are taken. These measures are not herculean by any means; some of them are quite simple, let us look into them.
I. Habitat Protection
As it is known that one of the main reasons for the decline in population of the Indian Tigers is the lack of proper prey and forests for their survival, efforts should be taken to see that the sanctuaries and forests where Tigers are usually found are in abundance with wildlife befitting the feral lands. Since everything done to nature is interconnected, a raise in population of deer can effectively ensure stabilization if not decrease in the population of the Tigers.
I. Awareness
Creating awareness of the danger these species is also very important; it can help in an indirect way. There are many projects and programs which are strongly supporting the cause to save the grand beast from disappearing forever. These programs organize camps and workshops to spread the knowledge about the gravity of the danger the species is in. The more people who know and support the cause, the more easy it becomes to save the Tigers.
II. Prevention of Poaching
This is one of the most effective methods of saving the Tigers; poaching has long since been a bane for these species, whose skin and bones have special demand all over the world. By making sure that the habitats where these species are is free from poachers one can make sure that these species don’t just vanish into thin air, speaking figuratively.
III. Opportunities for Wildlife Activists and Conservationists
Creating sufficient number of opportunities for young people to take up a career in wildlife is also a very conducive method of saving the animals. Conservationists are strong in making a flourishing species of Tigers a possibility given they are allowed to do their work properly.
IV. Establishing Co-Existence In Human Dominated Places
It is a common knowledge that there are not enough feral lands for the tigers to prosper; so another way of saving them is by creating a safe place for them in the sanctuaries and forests and making sure that humans do not hunt or harm the species and vice-versa. Although this may not be an easy task, it is imperative that it should happen.
